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Real fantasies

“Dreams are illustrations from a book your soul is writing about you.”

Dreams are a time-altering mess. You feel like you've just lived 2 years of either your best or worst life, but in reality, it's been a drool infested five and a half hours. They could be an accumulation of how you interpreted recent events in your life or a representation of what you desire for yourself in life, or lastly, it's a messed up combination of both of those and then some.

Oof. Okay, this comes from the infamous Netflix series, YOU. Hear me out. Suuuurrrre the ‘protagonist’, Joe, is this problematic… well if you know, you know; still, it's an interesting quote.

Now in the show, we have the main character Joe aka Keith Jesperson wannabe who happens to be an avid reader. Doesn’t come as a shock when considering the metaphor he uses in the quote. "...A book your soul is writing about you." If you were to for some reason think about this quote at 4 am on Boxing day, it really begs the question - Is the book an autobiography or a biography? It also subsequently made me ask these 3 things -

  1. Are ‘you’ as a person disconnected from your soul?

  2. Is your soul just a singular part of ‘you’? (Like the cream in an Oreo)

  3. Are ‘you’ your soul and nothing else?

Well, if we were to be disconnected from our souls, that wouldn't make much sense, would it? There goes the possibility of a biography.

But then the definition of a soul is "the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal."

Ergo it's an autobiography. Okay, so this book is about us and by us. So which chapter do the nightmarish and physically impossible dream illustrations fall into?

Take a dream about flying, well it's never really consistent but here's the gist of it - it's a meter for how you're feeling about life at the moment. If you're being a regular old superman and zooming past cities at higher altitudes than airplanes then yeah, safe to say your confidence level is fairly high at the moment. Or if you're just taking a casual float through the sky, then there's not much you're wanting/needing; your soul is satisfied. But if you're doing a backstroke through the clouds then the past is on your mind, maybe you're missing who you were before, or hoping for that exhilarating experience you once had 3 years ago could happen again, who knows? Well, apparently your soul does.

When you dream about being chased is that your soul's way of unconsciously saying that you're avoiding an issue or a person?

What about when you're falling in a dream? That's believed to be an indication of insecurities, instabilities, and/or anxieties.

And if you dream about being on vacation, well that pretty much speaks for itself.

So take it easy, listen to your soul meter. Pay attention to your dreams, they're not just some random images that your brain decided to whip up out of nowhere. These illustrations are more artistic and intentional than we think.


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