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Bad Boys Bad Boys, Whatcha gonna do?

I've developed an aptitude for giving people advice, mostly relationship and life advice, which, if you know me, is slightly ironic. I don't see myself as anything more than a slightly experienced guy who's gone through life the best he could; moving to a completely different country with a completely different culture in which I have no experience with apart from what was shown on the early 2000s Disney Channel. I'm younger than most but in a stage of life very few people can relate with so someone please tell me why these people are listening to me lol.

I was talking to a friend a couple of weeks ago, we'll call her Gem. We met at school and we talk a fair bit. Anyway, Gem and I got to talking in Chatime and her past was brought up. She said she felt like she only attracts %*!$boys, [bad boys], like there's never any good guys around her. Me, sitting right next to her felt slightly offended but that's beside the point. It got me thinking and I just let her know that we think that we attract only bad ones, but frankly there's always some good eggs hanging around as well. It's like if you had two kids, one was the average quiet kid who keeps to himself and is generally well behaved, and there's the other one... the literal spawn of Satan who cannot stop crying or stealing and just being a general pain in the ass. When you gave birth to them I bet you thought they were both going to be little angels forever huh?

Now, of course, you love them both equally, but frankly whether you like it or not you're always going to have to pay more attention to the devil child in order to keep them from hurting others, or even themselves. Now the hellspawn in Gem's case was an ex-boyfriend who had depression and suicidal thoughts; and unfortunately, he threatened to off himself if Gem ever broke up with him. Now obviously this was a hostage situation and she didn't have Bruce Willis available to come in and Die Hard the situation but you get the gist. After a couple of those relationship scenarios, you start to feel like shitty people are all you deserve/can get. News Flash, they're not. It's easy enough for yourself to get in your own head as it is, imagine how dangerous it gets once you let others get in your head in the worst way possible. You start to feel like the world is getting back at you for something that happened in the past or that this is something you have to get through in order to find "THE ONE." It's really not, please always nip things in the bud before it blossoms... into a poison ivy flower. Your person is out there, probably may have already met them, just gotta step aside and change your perspective; see the good ones in your life. Also, ignore all those who take up your attention and don't ever make up for it, they're not your real child.

If you made it this far here's a little present for you to take home with you - You don't need to light yourself on fire to keep other people warm, you're responsible for your own happiness... unless they're your kid then please love them with your whole heart haha.


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